Casting Time
10 minutes
V, S, M (a statuette of yourself carved from ivory and decorated with gems worth at least 1,500 gp)
10 days

Choose a spell of 5th level or lower that you can cast, that has a casting time of 1 action, and that can target you. You cast that spell—called the contingent spell—as part of casting contingency, expending spell slots for both, but the contingent spell doesn’t come into effect. Instead, it takes effect when a certain circumstance occurs. You describe that circumstance when you cast the two spells. For example, a contingencycast with water breathingmight stipulate that water breathingcomes into effect when you are engulfed in water or a similar liquid.

The contingent spell takes effect immediately after the circumstance is met for the first time, whether or not you want it to, and then contingencyends.

The contingent spell takes effect only on you, even if it can normally target others. You can use only one contingencyspell at a time. If you cast this spell again, the effect of another contingencyspell on you ends. Also, contingencyends on you if its material component is ever not on your person.

Introduction to the Contingency Spell

The world of Dungeons & Dragons is filled with countless spells that give wizards and sorcerers the ability to shape reality to their whims. Among the more cunning and strategic of these arcane abilities is the Contingency spell. Considered a staple in the arsenal of any forward-thinking spellcaster, Contingency allows for the preparation of a magical response to a specific, future event. When the specified conditions are met, the spell springs into action, often turning the tide of battle, avoiding disasters, or simply providing a well-timed boon. In this introduction, we’ll briefly delve into the essence of the Contingency spell and why it remains a fan-favorite for players who like to think one step ahead.

Contingency D&D

So… How Does It Work?

The spell Contingency is a blend of preparation and foresight, a masterpiece of magical planning that allows a spellcaster to set a specific spell of their choice to trigger under conditions they dictate. Here’s a breakdown of how this intricate spell operates:

  • Casting Time and Components: Contingency requires an intricate casting process, taking 10 minutes and involving expensive components, including a statuette of yourself carved from ivory and decorated with gems worth at least 1,500 gold pieces. This statuette is consumed when the spell is cast.

  • Spell Interaction: When you cast Contingency, you must cast another spell that can target you and has a casting time of 1 action, the effects of which must be able to take hold immediately upon triggering. This linked spell is then held in the ethereal weave of magic, poised to activate.

  • Conditions for Activation: You define the circumstances under which the contingency will be released. This could be something like “when I fall unconscious” or “when a foe charges me.” The conditions must be clear and observable; vague or unmeasurable criteria won’t work.

  • Duration and Range: Once cast, the Contingency spell lasts for 10 days or until triggered, whichever comes first. The spell only affects the caster and cannot be used to target other creatures directly, ensuring that the effect is personal and predictable.

  • School and Level: As a 6th-level evocation spell, Contingency is both potent and complex, typically available to wizards who have dedicated significant time and resources to their magical studies.

A Contingency spell allows an adept spellcaster to weave a safety net or a calculated assault, ensuring that they are never caught completely off-guard. The true power of Contingency lies in the creativity and foresight used to set the triggering conditions and choose an appropriate spell to accompany it. Whether it’s a teleportation spell to whisk you to safety or a Stoneskin spell to harden your defenses at a critical moment, Contingency ensures that you have exactly what you need, exactly when you need it.

Contingency 5E D&D: Spell Uses and Strategies

In the robust magical framework of 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons, the Contingency spell emerges as a clever tool for tactically-minded spellcasters. Its uses are as diverse as the creativity of the players, enabling a variety of strategies to unfold during gameplay. Here are some prime examples of how Contingency can be effectively utilized:

Defensive Measures

  • Immediate Protection: Pairing Contingency with spells such as Shield, Mirror Image, or Blur can create a reflexive defense mechanism that activates upon being attacked, providing instant protection.
  • Recovery from Debilitation: Spells like Lesser Restoration can be set to trigger if you’re affected by a condition like paralysis or poison, quickly restoring your combat effectiveness.
  • Preventing Death: Linking Contingency with Death Ward or Feign Death can be a life-saving measure, allowing you to survive what would otherwise be a fatal blow.

Offensive Opportunities

  • Surprise Attacks: Using Contingency with an offensive spell such as Thunderwave or Flame Strike might catch enemies off-guard when they fulfill the trigger condition, such as breaking a defensive line.
  • Enhanced Damage: Spells like Haste or Enlarge can be prepared to trigger when you declare an attack, momentarily boosting your combat abilities for a devastating effect.

Utility Applications

  • Swift Escape: A Contingency triggered with a teleportation spell like Dimension Door could serve as a rapid evacuation method when certain danger is detected, like if you are surrounded by foes or trapped.
  • Environmental Adaptation: Setting Contingency to cast Water Breathing or Protection from Energy when exposed to water or extreme temperatures ensures you adapt almost instantly to changing environments.

Tactical Coordination

  • Synchronized Assaults: When timing is critical, Contingency can release spells such as Misty Step or Invisibility, coordinated with ally actions, to position yourself for combined maneuvers or attacks.
  • Strategic Retreats: You might use Contingency to cast Feather Fall or Greater Invisibility, allowing for a tactical withdrawal from an overwhelming confrontation.

When crafting a strategy that incorporates the Contingency spell, the key element to consider is timing. The spellcaster must anticipate the most opportune moments for their predetermined spell to have the greatest impact. Clever use of Contingency can not only provide a significant tactical advantage but also contribute to the narrative by highlighting the character’s foresight and ingenuity.

Remember that Contingency also has its limitations. The triggering event must be observable, and the target of the contingent spell must be the caster. Furthermore, the preparation takes up significant resources, and the caster can only have one Contingency spell in effect at any given time. Balancing the cost against the potential benefits is essential in deciding when and how to employ this powerful magical ability.

Whether preparing for an unforeseen threat or orchestrating the perfect moment of triumph, a well-planned Contingency can be the difference between success and failure for the discerning spellcaster of 5E D&D.

Contingency fantasy spell

Contingency Rules in 5E D&D

Understanding the rules governing the Contingency spell is vital for its effective use in 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons. These rules not only define the mechanics but also determine the spell’s potential in various in-game situations. Let’s delve into the specific rules that frame Contingency‘s application:

Core Requirements

  • Spell Level: Contingency is a 6th-level evocation spell, accessible to higher-level spellcasters, mainly Wizards.
  • Casting Time: The spell requires 10 minutes to cast, indicating that it cannot be used spontaneously in combat but rather must be prepared in advance.
  • Components: Contingency requires both verbal and somatic components, as well as a material component—a statuette of the caster carved from ivory and worth at least 1,500 gold pieces—all of which are consumed by the spell.

Linked Spell Stipulations

  • Spell Limitations: The spell cast in conjunction with Contingency must be 5th level or lower, must be able to target the caster, and must have a casting time of 1 action.
  • Trigger Parameters: The trigger for Contingency must be a specific event that can be perceived by the caster. Vague or ambiguous triggers are not permissible. The trigger can be complex, but its occurrence must remain clear and recognizable.

Duration and Usage

  • Active Spell Limit: Only one Contingency spell can be active at a time. If a second Contingency is cast, the first one (and its linked spell) ends immediately.
  • Duration: Once cast, Contingency remains in effect for 10 days or until triggered. If the trigger does not occur within that period, both Contingency and the linked spell are wasted.

Tactical Considerations

  • Spell Expenditure: Upon casting the spell to be triggered by Contingency, the spell slot used for the linked spell is expended. However, no additional concentration is required to maintain the contingent spell, freeing the caster to concentrate on other spells.
  • Diversity of Use: Contingency can be instrumental in both combat and role-playing situations, lending itself to creative solutions for challenges frequently faced by adventurers.

It’s important to note that while Contingency is a versatile and powerful tool, it also requires careful consideration due to the costly material components and its limitation to host only a single linked spell at a time. The right choice of the linked spell and trigger can provide a strategic safety net or a surprise advantage, but these choices must be made with foresight and an understanding of likely future scenarios.

Given its strategic potential, Contingency encourages players to think several steps ahead in their adventures, preparing for encounters that might otherwise catch them unprepared. Properly leveraged, the rules surrounding Contingency can turn an otherwise dire situation into a planned point of triumph for the savvy spellcaster.

Roleplaying Tips and Ideas for Contingency 5E

Roleplaying a character who uses the Contingency spell opens up a wealth of opportunities for deep character development and storytelling. This high-level spell isn’t just a mechanical asset; it’s a defining trait of a character’s foresight and preparedness. Here are some tips and ideas for integrating Contingency into your character’s roleplaying experience:

Character Traits and Background

  • Paranoid Planner: Perhaps your character has experienced one too many close calls, leading them to obsessively plan for all possible outcomes. Contingency becomes their go-to spell—a reflection of their meticulous and sometimes paranoid nature.
  • Strategic Genius: Portray your character as a tactical mastermind, always remaining three steps ahead of both enemies and allies. Use Contingency to solidify this reputation, showcasing your ability to foresee and outmaneuver opponents.

In-Game Tactics

  • Narrative Trigger Description: Don’t just state the trigger for Contingency—describe it! Craft a vivid narrative moment that aligns with your character’s traits or their past experiences.
  • Interactive Triggers: Roleplay the triggering of Contingency as a dramatic moment. Your character might utter a catchphrase or display a unique gesture whenever the spell activates, leaving a memorable impact on both allies and foes.

Spell Choices and Flavor

  • Personalized Spells: Choose a linked spell that complements your character’s personality or backstory. Perhaps an illusionary trickster prefers Mirror Image for an escape, while a stoic guardian opts for Stone Skin when they brace for a stand.
  • Descriptive Casting: When Contingency is activated, offer your own unique description of how the spell manifests. Maybe the spell activates with a special color or a sound unique to your character’s personal magic.

Dynamics with Party Members

  • Strategic Discussions: Share your Contingency plans with party members during downtime, leading to roleplayed strategy sessions that deepen group dynamics and mutual reliance.
  • Surprise and Showmanship: Keep your Contingency choice a secret for a dramatic reveal at a crucial moment, impressing your allies with your foresight—or perhaps causing a little friendly frustration for upstaging their plans.

Ethical Implications and Morality

  • Philosophical Debate: Roleplay the philosophical implications of using a spell that assumes trouble. Is your character seen as wise, or perhaps they’re questioned for their lack of faith in a more direct approach to problems?
  • Moral Choices and Consequences: Explore moral dilemmas tied to the use of Contingency. Does your character set triggers that are self-serving, or do they plan for the greater good? How do these choices reflect their alignment and values?

Roleplaying a character with access to Contingency is about more than just spell mechanics. It’s about embodying someone who is prepared for the unexpected, who values foresight, and whose magical prowess is a direct extension of their intellect and will to survive. The spell’s presence in your character’s repertoire could affect their reputation, their interactions with others, and the overall narrative of your campaign. Engaging with Contingency through roleplaying adds depth to your character’s story and a layer of intrigue to the gameplay for everyone at the table.

Contingency dungeons and dragons

Contingency 5E Interactions and Combos

In Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, the Contingency spell doesn’t just stand alone—it interacts with the wider magical system and allows for some compelling combinations with other spells. With strategic thinking, a spellcaster can stack the odds in their favor by pairing Contingency with other spells for various purposes. Here are some notable interactions and combos that can elevate the utility and effectiveness of Contingency:

Defensive Spell Combinations

  • Immediate Healing: Pairing Contingency with Cure Wounds or Healing Word to trigger when you drop below a certain amount of hit points can provide a crucial lifeline in the heat of battle.
  • Dispelling Ambushes: Linking Contingency with Dispel Magic to activate when you are affected by a spell or magical effect can serve as an instant countermeasure against hostile enchantments or traps.

Offensive Spell Synergies

  • Automatic Crowd Control: Setting Contingency with Hold Person or Web to trigger when multiple enemies approach can incapacitate foes at a pivotal moment, giving your allies a clear advantage.
  • Empowered Strikes: Using spells like True Strike to trigger on your next attack can give you the edge in delivering a critical blow, while remaining hands-off until the moment counts.

Escape and Evasion Tactics

  • Emergency Exits: Dimension Door or Teleportation Circle can be set via Contingency to whisk you away from death or capture, effectively granting you an automatic “get out of jail free” card.
  • Avoiding Grapples and Restraints: Linking the spell to Freedom of Movement when you are restrained can instantly neutralize attempts to hold you in place.

Environmental and Situational Awareness

  • Adapting to Elements: Pair Contingency with Protection from Energy or Absorb Elements to trigger upon taking a specific type of elemental damage, buffering you against environmental hazards or elemental-based attacks.
  • Social Stealth: A spell like Invisibility set to trigger when you say a certain word can provide an impromptu cloak, useful both in and out of combat scenarios.

Utility and Support Strategies

  • Instant Buffs: Contingency can be used to trigger Haste or Greater Invisibility when a fight starts, giving you immediate superiority in terms of mobility and attack options.
  • Preemptive Countermagic: Using Counterspell to automatically trigger when an enemy spellcaster is seen casting a spell ensures you never miss an opportunity to foil enemy plans.

When contemplating these interactions and combos, it’s essential to keep two vital considerations in mind: the level of the linked spell must not exceed 5th level, and the spell must be able to target you. Further, the 10-day limit on Contingency necessitates foresight and planning—the perfect combo is one tailored to anticipated encounters within that timeframe.

By exploring the potential combinations of Contingency with other spells, players and Dungeon Masters alike can unlock intricate layers of strategy and customize their spellcaster’s arsenal to suit their style of play and their character’s personality. Whether using Contingency for protection, combat prowess, or utility, the key lies in creative pairings and well-thought-out triggers that reflect the character’s tactical mindset and preparedness for any situation the adventuring life might throw their way.

Is Contingency 5E a Good Spell?

In the vast repertoire of spells available in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, Contingency often stands out as a spell of great debate. Is it a spell worth the investment of a valuable 6th-level spell slot? Let’s examine the virtues and drawbacks of this unique magical ability to determine its overall worth.

Advantages of Contingency

  • Proactive Defense: Contingency allows spellcasters to set up defensive measures in advance, ensuring they are never caught completely unprepared. This can dramatically increase a character’s survivability in dangerous situations.

  • Strategic Versatility: The ability to choose both the linked spell and the specific trigger condition lends Contingency a level of versatility unmatched by most other spells. It can be used offensively, defensively, or for utility, depending on the situation and foresight.

  • Action Economy: Once it’s set up, Contingency acts instantly under the desired conditions—usually without requiring any action from the caster. This can be a game-changer in combat, where action economy is critical.

  • No Concentration Required: The spell held in Contingency does not require concentration to maintain, potentially freeing up the caster to maintain another concentration spell while still benefiting from their pre-planned magic.

Disadvantages of Contingency

  • High Resource Cost: Contingency requires a costly, non-reusable material component alongside a high-level spell slot. These resources might be a steep price for an effect that might not even trigger within its 10-day duration.

  • Limit of Use: You can only have one Contingency active at a time, making it a one-shot preparation. If the spell is not triggered or if it’s not useful when triggered, it can feel like a wasted opportunity.

  • Complex Planning Required: The utility of Contingency is heavily dependent on the player’s ability to anticipate future encounters and challenges accurately. Poor planning can render the spell ineffective.

The Verdict

Is Contingency a good spell? Absolutely — for the right character and in the hands of a strategic player. For those who enjoy planning and using their resources intelligently, Contingency offers an impressive option for turning potential disaster into a calculated stroke of genius. It is a spell that rewards creativity and foresight, often proving invaluable in the scenarios where it shines the brightest.

However, it’s not a spell for every mage. The high cost and the need for strategic planning can make it less appealing for those who prefer spontaneous, on-the-fly magic or who are resource-conscious with their spell slots. Additionally, characters who rarely encounter the same situation twice might find Contingency less useful due to its specificity.

In conclusion, while Contingency may not be universally “good” in every campaign or for every player, it remains a powerful tool in the arsenal of a prepared and resourceful spellcaster. With the right planning and creativity, Contingency can indeed be a spell that defines moments of triumph and turns the tide of battles in D&D 5E.

Contingency dungeons and dragons

Contingency 5E D&D FAQ

When it comes to Contingency, players and Dungeon Masters often have a number of questions about how it works within the rules of 5E D&D. Below are some frequently asked questions that address common inquiries about this spell:

  • What level do you have to be to cast Contingency?

    • A wizard must be at least 11th level to cast Contingency, as it is a 6th-level spell and that’s when they gain access to 6th-level spell slots.
  • Does the linked spell need to be prepared when Contingency is cast?

    • Yes, the additional spell that is to be triggered by Contingency must be prepared and cast immediately as part of casting Contingency, which also consumes the spell slot for the linked spell.
  • Can Contingency be dispelled or countered?

    • As with most spells, Contingency can be dispelled with Dispel Magic once it is in place. It cannot be countered upon initial casting since Counterspell only works against spells with a casting time of 1 action, and Contingency‘s casting time is 10 minutes.
  • Can you use Contingency to cast a spell with a range of Touch on yourself?

    • Yes, any spell that you can cast on yourself, including those with a range of Touch, can be linked with Contingency.
  • Can Contingency trigger during another character’s turn, or outside of combat?

    • Absolutely. Contingency is designed to trigger automatically whenever its conditions are met, regardless of whose turn it is or whether you are in combat.
  • Do I need to concentrate on the Contingency spell?

    • No, once Contingency is cast, there is no need to concentrate on it, and it doesn’t occupy your concentration slot for other spells.
  • What happens if the trigger for Contingency never occurs?

    • If the defined trigger condition does not occur, the Contingency spell and the linked spell simply dissipate when the duration expires after 10 days.
  • Can Contingency activate when the caster is unconscious or otherwise incapacitated?

    • Yes, one of the most common uses for Contingency is to have it trigger when the caster is incapacitated in some way (like falling unconscious), provided the trigger condition specified could still logically be met in that state.
  • Does a Contingency spell occupy a higher level spell slot if the linked spell is lower than 5th level?

    • No, the linked spell uses a spell slot of its own level, and the Contingency spell uses a 6th-level slot, regardless of the level of the linked spell (as long as it’s 5th level or lower).
  • Can Contingency be used to benefit someone other than the caster?

    • No, the effects of the linked spell can only target the caster. Contingency cannot be used to directly affect other creatures. However, the outcome of the triggered spell might indirectly benefit others (such as an AoE spell that targets multiple creatures including the caster).

These answers provide clarity on some of the intricacies involved with the Contingency spell, enabling players and Dungeon Masters to integrate it more effectively and with full understanding into their games.

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