The Swift Escape: Unveiling the Expeditious Retreat Spell



Casting Time
1 bonus action


V, S

Concentration, up to 10 minutes

This spell allows you to move at an incredible pace. When you cast this spell, and then as a bonus action on each of your turns until the spell ends, you can take the Dash action.

In the world of Dungeons & Dragons, where danger lurks around every corner, the ability to quickly escape to safety can mean the difference between life and death. Cue the Expeditious Retreat spell, a sorcerer’s secret to hasty retreats and strategic repositioning. This beginner-friendly spell is a must-have in the arsenal of spellcasters valuing speed and agility over brute force. Let’s dive into the mechanics of this swift spell and how it can turn the tide in a treacherous adventure.

Expeditious Retreat D&D

So… how does it Work? The Mechanics of Expeditious Retreat

The Expeditious Retreat spell is as straightforward as it is indispensable, casting a veil of alacrity over the caster when time is of the essence. Here’s how it functions within the framework of D&D 5th Edition:

  • Spell Level: Expeditious Retreat is a 1st-level transmutation spell, placing it within easy reach of even novice spellcasters.
  • Casting Time: A swift bonus action is all it takes to invoke the spell, leaving your action free to dash or engage in other maneuvers.
  • Duration: With a generous duration of up to 10 minutes, provided concentration is maintained, the spell offers ample time to navigate complex encounters.
  • Range: The spell affects only the caster, wrapping them in a shroud of magical speed.
  • Components: A verbal command is the sole component needed, making it an easy spell to cast even when movement is restricted or you’re without your usual arsenal.
  • The Effect: Once Expeditious Retreat is activated, the caster can take the Dash action as a bonus action on each of their turns. This effectively doubles movement capability, allowing the spellcaster to weave through the battlefield or beat a quick retreat from overwhelming odds.
  • Spell Versatility: While the name suggests a defensive tactic, the spell’s ability to enhance mobility has offensive and utility applications as well, from chasing down foes to crossing perilous terrain swiftly.

Understanding these mechanics highlights Expeditious Retreat as a versatile tool for any spellcaster who values mobility on the field of adventure.

Expeditious Retreat 5E D&D: Spell Uses and Strategies

The utility of Expeditious Retreat in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition extends well beyond its namesake. While the immediate thought might be to use the spell for a quick getaway, its strategic applications are as diverse as the worlds of the Forgotten Realms themselves. Here’s a glimpse into the multifaceted uses of this spell and some strategies to maximize its effectiveness:

Quick Escape

  • Avoiding Danger: When faced with overwhelming opposition, Expeditious Retreat offers a swift withdrawal, minimizing the risk of opportunity attacks and preserving valuable hit points.
  • Dodging Spells: Use the increased mobility to quickly exit the area of effect of harmful spells or environmental hazards.

Chase Down

  • Pursuing Enemies: Turn the tables on a fleeing foe by dashing across the battlefield to deliver a finishing blow or to prevent the escape of a critical target.
  • Recovering Allies: Swiftly move to the aid of allies who may have been taken hostage or are trying to escape enemies themselves.

Exploration and Utility

  • Exploring Dungeons: Double your movement speed to cover more ground in dangerous dungeons or during timed challenges.
  • Traversing Terrain: Cross difficult terrain that would normally halve movement, offsetting the penalty and maintaining a normal pace.

Tactical Positioning

  • Flanking Enemies: Maneuver into flanking positions to grant advantage to your melee attacks or to set up for potent spell combinations.
  • Engaging and Disengaging: Use your increased movement to engage an enemy, then back away to safety, forcing them to move or waste their turn.

Synergy with Other Spells and Abilities

  • Combining Spells: Use in tandem with other spells that enhance movement or provide camouflage, like Misty Step or Invisibility, for a multi-faceted approach to mobility.
  • Class Abilities: Rogue’s Cunning Action or Monk’s Step of the Wind can stack with Expeditious Retreat to cover astonishing distances in a single round.

Incorporating Expeditious Retreat into your tactical playbook can drastically shift the momentum of encounters. Whether used offensively, defensively, or simply as a tool for strategic maneuvering, the spell’s versatility makes it an invaluable component of any spellcasting adventurer’s repertoire.

Expeditious Retreat dungeons and dragons

Expeditious Retreat Rules in 5E D&D

Operating within the framework of 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons, Expeditious Retreat is governed by a set of clear parameters and rules that dictate its use in gameplay. Familiarizing yourself with these rules ensures that you can leverage the spell to its full potential while adhering to the mechanics of the game.

Spell Basics

  • Spell Level: 1st-Level Transmutation
  • Available To: Wizards, Sorcerers, Warlocks, and any classes or subclasses with access to their spell lists.
  • Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: Verbal (V)
  • Duration: Up to 10 minutes with concentration

Key Rules

  • Concentration: As a concentration spell, Expeditious Retreat requires the caster to maintain focus. Taking damage means making a Constitution saving throw to keep the spell active, with the DC equal to 10 or half the damage taken, whichever number is higher.
  • Bonus Action Dash: Upon casting, and then as a bonus action on subsequent turns, the caster can take the Dash action. This is in addition to any other movement or actions taken on the turn.
  • Stacking with Other Movement: This spell’s effects stack with other movement bonuses, such as the Rogue’s Cunning Action or the Haste spell, creating opportunities for extremely high movement speeds.
  • Armor and Encumbrance: The spell does not negate penalties from armor or encumbrance. While it allows the Dash action as a bonus action, the wearer’s speed is still calculated based on their equipment and ability scores.
  • Spell Interactions: Expeditious Retreat can be dispelled by spells like Dispel Magic, and it cannot be cast simultaneously with other concentration spells.

Strategic Considerations

  • Engagement: Players should be aware that using the Dash action does not avoid opportunity attacks from enemies unless they have an ability that specifically allows this, such as the Rogue’s Cunning Action: Disengage.
  • Interrupting Concentration: To prevent an enemy spellcaster from benefiting from Expeditious Retreat, targeting them with attacks and spells that require concentration checks is a solid tactic.
  • Environmental Factors: Dungeon Masters may adjust the effectiveness of this spell based on environmental conditions such as difficult terrain, weather effects, or magic-suppressing zones.

Understanding these rules equips players to integrate Expeditious Retreat into their characters’ actions effectively and creatively, ensuring that the momentum of combat can always shift in their favor with swift feet and a strategic mind.

Roleplaying Tips and Ideas for Expeditious Retreat 5E

Casting Expeditious Retreat in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition presents unique opportunities beyond its strategic applications. It can enrich your character’s story, showcase their personality, and add dramatic flair to the game. Here’s how you can intertwine this spell into the roleplaying fabric of your D&D sessions:

Character Background

  • Arcane Athlete: Perhaps your character was a renowned athlete before becoming an adventurer, and Expeditious Retreat echoes their past, blending physical prowess with magical enhancement.
  • Cowardly Wizard: If your character is known for being skittish or risk-averse, casting the spell could be a comical or characteristic reaction whenever danger rears its head.

Combat Description

  • Flavorful Casting: Rather than simply stating you cast the spell, describe how arcane energy wraps around your legs, leaves a faint trail of shimmering light, or how wind propels you forward with enhanced speed.
  • Strategic Retreats: When using the spell to escape, narrate your character’s cunning awareness of the battlefield and tactical withdrawal, instead of a panicked flight.

Social Interactions

  • Braggadocious Bet: Use Expeditious Retreat outside of combat to win races or bets in taverns, using your arcane edge to dazzle or swindle locals.
  • Expressive Gestures: Incorporate casting gestures that fit your character’s style—a roguish wink, a whispered incantation, or aggressive body language to reinforce their intentions.

Personal Development

  • Learning Curve: Maybe your character is still mastering the spell, leading to roleplay moments where they unexpectedly zoom off or trip over their newfound speed.
  • Special Training: Link the spell to a mentor or an important event in your character’s life, giving it personal significance each time it’s cast.

Quest Elements

  • Innovative Uses: Employ Expeditious Retreat to ferry important messages between allies, scout ahead of the party, or even outrun creatures during a hunt or chase sequence integral to the plot.
  • Magical Mishaps: In a more light-hearted campaign, a miscast Expeditious Retreat might rocket your character into humorous situations, such as crashing into a market stall or barreling into an NPC.

By weaving Expeditious Retreat into the narrative and character development, it becomes a memorable and integral part of your character’s abilities, enriching the roleplaying experience and leaving a lasting impression on both your fellow players and the story you’re all creating together.

Expeditious Retreat 5E

Expeditious Retreat 5E Interactions and Combos

Within the dynamic world of D&D 5th Edition, spells can interact and combine in a myriad of ways, often leading to powerful and game-changing results. The Expeditious Retreat spell opens the door to a host of intriguing combos and interactions with other spells, class features, and game mechanics. Here are some synergies and partnerships to consider when wielding this spell:

Spell Synergies

  • Haste: If another caster in the party casts Haste on you while you’re under the effects of Expeditious Retreat, your speed is doubled, and you gain an additional action that can also be used to Dash, making you a veritable blur on the battlefield.
  • Longstrider: Cast Longstrider for a flat increase to your speed, which enhances the distance covered when you take the Dash action granted by Expeditious Retreat.
  • Mirror Image: Combine with Mirror Image for added defensive capabilities while you zip around the combat zone, making it harder for enemies to land an attack on you.

Class Feature Combos

  • Rogue’s Cunning Action: When a rogue uses Expeditious Retreat, they can Dash as a bonus action from the spell, utilise their normal action to Dash again, and then use their Cunning Action to take yet another Dash or Disengage to avoid opportunity attacks.
  • Monk’s Step of the Wind: Monks can use Expeditious Retreat in conjunction with Step of the Wind to greatly increase their movement across the battlefield, scaling walls or leaping vast distances with their enhanced speed.

Strategic Combinations

  • Scout/Reconnaissance: Pair Expeditious Retreat with Pass Without Trace or Invisibility to scout ahead or perform reconnaissance missions for the party without detection.
  • Stealth Missions: Mix the spell with silence effects or abilities like the Rogue’s Sneak Attack to swiftly get in position for an attack without alerting the entire dungeon.

Environmental and Tactical Uses

  • Difficult Terrain: Utilize Expeditious Retreat to mitigate the movement penalty often incurred in difficult terrain, enabling you to retain a tactical advantage.
  • Battlefield Control: Combine with spells like Fog Cloud or Darkness to control visibility on the battlefield. Cast these spells to obscure the area, then use your enhanced speed to navigate through them unimpeded.

Potential Drawbacks and Counters

  • Concentration Checks: While Expeditious Retreat is active, remember that sustaining damage will require concentration checks to maintain the spell. Spells that cause consistent damage over time, like Moonbeam or Spirit Guardians, can quickly become your biggest threat.
  • Spell Dispel: Be wary of enemies with Counterspell or Dispel Magic, as they can prematurely end your speed-boosting spell and leave you vulnerable in hostile territory.

Harnessing the power of Expeditious Retreat in conjunction with other abilities and tactics can make for some engaging and innovative gameplay. With these interactions and combos up your sleeve, you’re ready to turn any encounter into an advantageous excursion, blending speed, finesse, and the element of surprise to overwhelm your adversaries and aid your allies effectively.

Is Expeditious Retreat 5E a Good Spell?

When considering the utility and effectiveness of spells in Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, Expeditious Retreat often sparks debate among spellcasters. Is it truly worth one of your precious spell slots? Let’s break down the factors that contribute to the overall assessment of this spell.

Mobility Enhancement

Expeditious Retreat shines in its ability to significantly boost mobility. This enhanced movement can be a game-changer in various scenarios, making it an excellent spell for characters who rely on positioning, such as skirmishing fighters or spellcasters who need to maintain safe distances to cast effectively.


This spell’s strength lies in its adaptability—it’s not just for running away. It can be key to executing flanking maneuvers, navigating complex battlefields, or fulfilling specific objectives that require quick footwork. Its varied applications make it a Swiss Army knife of movement for creative players.

Action Economy

Because it’s cast as a bonus action, Expeditious Retreat leaves the caster’s action free for other uses—including the option to Dash right away. This exceptional bonus to action economy lets characters double their movement and still attack, cast a spell, or take another action on the same turn.

Concentration Requirement

One downside is its concentration requirement. While maintaining the spell, casters must be cautious of taking damage and potentially losing focus on the spell, especially in combat-heavy sessions or against foes that can consistently whittle down their concentration.

Opportunity Cost

Using a 1st-level spell slot on Expeditious Retreat might feel costly when slots could be used for damage-dealing or more defensively focused spells. Additionally, as characters level up and gain other movement-increasing options or magical items, the need for this spell might decrease.


So, is Expeditious Retreat a good spell? The answer is nuanced and largely depends on individual playstyle, campaign dynamics, and character build. For those valuing speed and agility, it is undoubtedly a great pick. It offers flexibility and can be a deciding factor in encounters where mobility is key. However, for those who can manage without the extra movement, or who prefer to conserve spell slots for other expedients, the spell might not find a place in their repertoire.

Ultimately, Expeditious Retreat is a spell with a clear purpose and powerful potential in the right circumstances. Its worth is best determined by players who can anticipate when, where, and how to make the best use of the swift escape it provides.

Expeditious Retreat D&D 5E

Expeditious Retreat 5E D&D FAQ

When delving into the specifics of Expeditious Retreat in 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons, several common questions arise regarding the spell’s use and mechanics. Below are answers to some frequently asked questions to clarify how this spell functions in various situations.

  • Does Expeditious Retreat allow you to avoid opportunity attacks?

    • No, Expeditious Retreat does not allow you to avoid opportunity attacks. The spell only grants you the ability to take the Dash action as a bonus action, which does not inherently include avoiding opportunity attacks.
  • Can Expeditious Retreat be used to move across difficult terrain?

    • Yes, Expeditious Retreat can be used to move across difficult terrain. However, difficult terrain still costs extra movement, so while the spell allows you to take the Dash action as a bonus action, moving through difficult terrain will reduce the total distance covered.
  • What classes can cast Expeditious Retreat?

    • Expeditious Retreat is available to Wizards, Sorcerers, and Warlocks. Additionally, any character with access to these classes’ spell lists through multiclassing or features like the Magic Initiate feat can also cast the spell.
  • Can Expeditious Retreat be stacked with other speed-enhancing spells or abilities?

    • Yes, the spell can be stacked with other speed-enhancing abilities and spells, such as Longstrider or the Rogue’s Cunning Action. The effects of multiple movement bonuses are cumulative.
  • Is it possible to cast other spells while under the effect of Expeditious Retreat?

    • Yes, you can cast other spells while affected by Expeditious Retreat, as long as those other spells do not require concentration. If you cast another spell that requires concentration, Expeditious Retreat will end.
  • Does casting Expeditious Retreat provoke an opportunity attack?

    • No, casting Expeditious Retreat itself does not provoke an opportunity attack. Opportunity attacks are generally triggered by moving out of an enemy’s reach, not by casting a spell.
  • Can you use Expeditious Retreat outside of combat for roleplay or exploration purposes?

    • Absolutely, Expeditious Retreat can be incredibly useful in various non-combat scenarios like races, quick travel, or fleeing from a roleplay situation that has gone awry.

By addressing these FAQs, adventurers and spellcasters alike can master the ins and outs of Expeditious Retreat and navigate the worlds of D&D with enhanced agility and strategic savvy.

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